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An indie game set in the Undertale universe that's free to play for Windows 10 users

An indie game set in the Undertale universe that's free to play for Windows 10 users

Vote: (4 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: Deltarune

Version: 1.0

Works under: Windows

Also available for Android Mac


Program license

(4 votes)






Works under:

Also available for


Android Mac


  • Engaging and original storyline
  • Appealing characters with deep dynamics
  • Classic 8-bit inspired graphics coupled with modern references
  • Unique combat system promoting non-violence
  • Inclusive and suitable for a wide audience
  • Standalone adventure that doesn't require knowledge of Undertale


  • First chapter ends on a cliffhanger with waiting time for subsequent releases
  • Some nuances may be lost on players not familiar with Undertale

Embark on a new journey with "Deltarune," the captivating RPG from Toby Fox. This game takes players into a separate but strangely familiar world, complete with a rich storyline and enchanting characters.

Distinctive Setting and Storyline

"Deltarune" sets itself apart as an independent narrative experience while sharing the charm and ingenious design of Toby Fox's previous works. Here, players are introduced to a storyline that feels both new and nostalgic. The narrative uncovers the tale of Kris and their companions, each character bringing depth and emotional resonance to the unfolding adventure. As players navigate the mysterious realm they've fallen into, their choices propel the story in unique ways, much like in "Undertale."

Packed with Character and Humor

Although distinct from "Undertale," "Deltarune" maintains a similar sense of humor and style. Characters from Fox's earlier game make appearances, but cleverly step aside to let the new cast shine. The game keeps fans engaged with winks to its sibling title while inviting newcomers with its standalone charm.

Classic Visuals with a Modern Twist

"Deltarune" presents itself with a familiar 8-bit visual aesthetic, reminiscent of classic RPGs, yet it is seamlessly intertwined with modern-day humor and sensibilities. The visuals, combined with the evocative soundtrack, create an immersive gameplay experience that nods to the past while firmly establishing itself in the present.

Gameplay Innovation within the Undertale Universe

Fox's trademark combat system returns, blending traditional turn-based battles with unique non-violent approaches. This allows for inventive strategies and underlines the game's overarching themes of kindness and compassion. As the first chapter of a larger series, "Deltarune" sets the stage for more depth and complexity in future installments.

Navigating the Cliffhanger

"Deltarune Chapter 1" concludes with a cliffhanger, spawning a multitude of theories and discussions across its community. By design, the game leaves many questions to be pondered and addresses them in subsequent chapters that carve out the larger saga Toby Fox envisions.

Accessible to All Ages

With its clear dialogue and straightforward mechanics, "Deltarune" is a game that can be enjoyed by players of all ages. Its kid-friendly nature ensures that younger audiences can engage with the story confidently, making it an inclusive experience.

Independence from Undertale

While "Deltarune" will reward those familiar with "Undertale" with its nuances and easter eggs, it stands as a separate entity. Players new to this universe will find it accessible and complete on its own, allowing them to enjoy the narrative without prior knowledge of its predecessor.

Anticipation for the Next Chapter

As of my knowledge cutoff date, "Deltarune" is still unfolding its story, with future chapters in active development. Toby Fox has committed to expanding this universe, promising to enhance the ongoing tale that captivated players in the first chapter.

Final Verdict

"Deltarune" emerges as a fresh yet reminiscent title that builds upon the foundations laid by "Undertale." With its superb narrative and character development, alongside the inventive gameplay elements, it carries its own weight as a commendable RPG. As players await additional chapters, the first installment offers a rich and worthwhile experience that beckons both veterans of "Undertale" and fresh adventurers alike.


  • Engaging and original storyline
  • Appealing characters with deep dynamics
  • Classic 8-bit inspired graphics coupled with modern references
  • Unique combat system promoting non-violence
  • Inclusive and suitable for a wide audience
  • Standalone adventure that doesn't require knowledge of Undertale


  • First chapter ends on a cliffhanger with waiting time for subsequent releases
  • Some nuances may be lost on players not familiar with Undertale